1) Not to rub it in, but we wanted to mention that we are now in beautiful Miami at The Sofitel Miami Hotel. Absolutly amazing. Its too bad we're only going to be spending one day/night here. (On that note we're going to be in D.C tomorrow to see the Ovechkins play Carolina. we're set on meeting up at the Ruby Tuesdays across from Verizon center at about 5 for our pregame tail gating)
2)For those planning on attending and looking to say Hi, we'll be in SEC: 118 ROW: 15. Looking forward to seeing everyone in a little while today, and in D.C. tomorrow!
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
Hey there faux, I should be able to meet up with ya at Ruby's Friday! See ya then have fun in Miami!
ya ya ya rub it in....hey it didn't rain here on the east coast today, and it was in the high teens...shorts and tee shirt in mid Nov..starting to dig this whole global warming thing. anyway have a blast, hope the luck you seem to bring to my Habs continues. gonna miss most if not all the game tonight, tis thursday, basketball night for me, add to that that thursday is a good tv night, might be a battle brewing for the tv.
missed the game, glad i did, from what i have heard it was a real stinker...oh well 2 games in 2 nights
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