1) The recent Islander Blake rumor brought to light what we have been discussing with the other members of FAUXRUMORS for some time now; the 'art' of creating rumors where none truly exist. For years the Canadian media were the biggest culprits. Add to that list some of the bigger U.S. markets and you have potential for quite a few 'rumors'.
2) With all this chatter/nonsense, the rumors that may have some basis in fact are more than drowned out by the bull shit. A good one recently was a multi-media driven rumor in 2 cities simultaneously. On the surface it sounded plausible, but do even a little digging and you can see this rumor is pure 'Barbara Streisand'. That rumor of course is the Adrian Aucoin to Montreal for Sergei Samsonov
3) If this were 3 years ago you would have a story there. However with the salary cap, with both players not playing particularly well, with both having additional years with hefty salaries remaining, it makes both pretty untradeable. Do the Habs need another slow injury prone defensemen? Do the Black Hawks need another under achieving forward? Aucoin has 2 more years at 4 mil/yr left. Samsonov has another year at 3.5 mil. Both are awful deals. Both teams would love to unload that contract, BUT no way is either team going to turn around and re burden themselves with another's 'trash'.
4) Apparently those obvious flaws in this potential deal weren't enough to prevent writers in Chicago and Montreal from picking up this pile of tripe and regurgitating it. As we have mentioned more than a few times; There is definitely a market from fans hunger for 'inside information' about possible deals. Nothing is more exciting away from the rink to hockey fans than to contemplate trades, and the media(print, electronic, on-line) is very happy to feed this hunger, even if they have to fabricate the fodder they are peddling.
5) As one of the few outlets that has ZERO financial stake in what we write we at FAUXRUMORS ONLY write actual information that is received from some of the most respected sources throughout the NHL. As such our track record is impeccable, and one we are very proud of. As always keep it here for all the latest as we hear it. Nothing ever created, just the facts ma'am.
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
I read that rumor with amusement. I'm sure Bob would love to part company with Mr. Samsonov, but doubt he'd want to take on the BlackHawk's head ache in the process
A Sammy for Aucoin deal would simply be one GM dealing a brainfart to another GM for their Brainfart. Aucoin had a chance to be a Hab the summer he signed with the Hawks...he choose to go to Chicago because of the coins he was offered...I can see Gainey pursuing Smolinski...Sammy for Smolinski would make more sense..throw a few draft picks each way and poof..Sammy headache gone, second line center found. Seems too easy, so I bet it won't happen.
Avery to Rangers...I think I heard Eklund call that on January 30th...hmmm...and Faux called it...oh wait he made no mention of it...
Eklund gets another...
Sure Ek only had it as E1...but that was more mention than Faux....
Hey Faux...when was the last rumor you got right?
Come to think of it...when was the last time you even blogged about any rumor you heard?
1) As we mentioned the Avery deal VERY early yesterday morning BEFORE almost all others.
2) We don't doubt that Eklund may have mentioned him going to one of about 30 teams since last summer, but only FAUXRUMORS had this one pegged 100%.
3) Geez, Mr. Fux time to go on a diet, huh. Maybe after ya eat some crow about your last post. LOL LOL
Great to see some things never change...still making up posts...
Unfortunately Faux you picked the wrong time to make up a new post and change the date so it looked like you called Avery to Rangers deal. The Post ID stamp is HIGHER than this post indicating it was written after this one!
Furthermore...I have created a little fun for my blog...you claim supperiority over Ek...so now I have the RUMOR CHAMPION OF THE WORLD contest...I have tracked (and will continue to track) EVERY single rumor you and Ek have made from January 28th till the trade deadline. Simple calculation...number right over number of rumors...if Ek calls three teams for 1 player it will count as 3 rumors.
I copied all your posts from Jan 28th to present and recorded the few paltry rumors they contained...THE SUPERBOWL HANGOVER POST was NOT on your blog as of 3 pm PST yesterday February 5th.
As I said the Post ID is higher, I have printouts and screen shots I can send anyone who does not believe...
The rumors recorded thus far will be posted later today...I am also having my neighbors 1 year old pick the destination of 10 potential rental players...see if a 1 year old can beat the rumor maker-uppers...er I mean "Insiders".
PS I tried for a monkey but the zoo was so uncooperative.
And yes I know your traffic will once again increase as I arrive...looks like you need it...50,000 hits (many not unique) in 6 months...pretty slow times at Fauxrumors
1) We knew despite your statements to the contrary that you never really left. For some odd reason (loneliness, mental illness, etc.) you are obsessed with this blog.
2) We aren't going to answer/address your allegations, nor get into a urinating contest with you. We have demonstrated time and time again/enough what you are all about. Its tiresome. Go away for real this time please. We beg you to go back to your faux friends
1) We know it was there Jmol. Thanks for the support but its unnecessary.
2) The guy seems absolutely obsessed with us for some reason. Says he's "not coming back, ever", then out of the blue (usually when we get a rumor correct) presto like magic he reappears.
3) Ofcourse we know he's never truly gone, just lurking. Which is all fine. We have enough on our plates that we don't feel the need to respond further than what already did.
4)Again, thanks to you and to the approximately 50 others who E-mailed us directly. Yes, we know when we posted the note. LOL
Speaking only for myself, its great to see you again Nutz... I couldn't care less if you made up any FAUX names either... These boards always need some spice...
Thanx Antz...I can assure you I have only appeared here or any other hockey blog/forum as HockeyNutz of IMHockeyNutz...I am not shy or embarrassed by what I have to say.
Faux...How do I know you inserted that post AFTER the news of Avery to the Rangers came out?
1. I have screen shots of the blog that I was using to verify you rumors for my chart (posting later today once I figure out tables on blogger).
2. I have hard copy printouts that verify the same thing.
3. The HTML Source code for the post titled "Super Bowel Hangover" has a blogger post ID that comes in sequence AFTER the Monday February 5th post. These blogger post ID's are placed by blogger and cannot be easily edited...unlike the date and time which can be changed easily.
4. Your post "Super Bowel Hangover" has the time 6:34 am set to it...and the very next post Six "Month Sign Post" has 6:35 am. It is AMAZING that you are able to save one post, create a new post, type 170 words and post the next story in 1 minute...even if you say that the first post just as the clock turned to 6:34 and posted the second one just before it turned to 6:36 that means you nailed out 170 words in two minutes...or 85 words per minute...not including time to publish and create! (note: yes some of the words are small...so look at it as 1000 characters typed).
Despite the profanity filled email you sent me today and the renewed threats to "rape and pillage" my village...I will not go away. I have simply set my spam filter to trash messages from you!
As for your self proclaimed "fastest growing hockeyblog on the internet"...congratulations...6 months, 50,000 hits...about 275 per day! I heard that they were needing to add more bandwidth to the internet to handle the increased traffic! And note that 50,000 hits includes all the times you visited, posted and commented...plus everytime someone visits and comments it counts as two hits!
Anyhoo...My chart will be up later today or first thing tomorrow morning...it lists all of Ek's rumors from Jan 28 to today along with all of yours...oh wait...you haven't given any rumors in the past week and a half...although you mentioned 4 times in the past week that there is a lot of trade talk!
Don't worry Faux...I wont be here long...trade deadline is less than a month away! And besides...you already told us all that you love the publicity and HITS that you get when I comment here!
It is great to be a CONTRIBUTOR to Fauxrumors! ha ha ha!
1) To finally put this to bed. The Nut guy wrote/asserted:.... "Your post "Super Bowel Hangover" has the time 6:34 am set to it...and the very next post Six "Month Sign Post" has 6:35 am. It is AMAZING that you are able to save one post, create a new post, type 170 words and post the next story in 1 minute....."
2) Easily explained. As is clear to regular readers, and especially the folks who came out and met with us during our fall NHL arena tour, THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE OF US!! LOL So 2 posts can be written almost simultaneously. Though its rare, it can and apparently did occur. Thanks for playing.
3) As for "hits". You seem to be the one obsessed with counting 'hits'. We have had folks write us to wonder how your site can get a thousand hits in a day without more than one person responding to your drivel. We tell them that Nutz has busy fingers. LOL
I am glad there is more than 1 of you blasting out the posts...but they were both written under the login of FAUXRUMORS...both have the same USERID # Coded into the HTML coding...and Blogger does not allow simultaneous (ie. more than 1) login with the same user at the same time...try it...you will see!
As for hits on my blog...it is pretty simple, I deliver regular, relevant content, that is well researched and throw in a bevy load of pics and video and voila I visitors/readers...that is how I racked up 60,000+ hits in 3 months!
1) Actually we DO have a way to simultaniously log in, but we don't divulge trade secrets. Again, thanks for playing. LOL
Yes the Blogger Hack forum members say there is not way but Fauxrumors who has been using blogger for 6 months has it all figured out!
I don't know what is sadder...the fact that you have to resort to making stuff up...or the fact that you insult the intelligence of the few readers you do have by BLATENTLY LYING TO THEM!
How many LIES have you been caught in? I have lost count...but it is CLEARLY more than the number of 'rumors' your inside sources are giving you!
Time to change your blog name from 'Fo'rumors (sic) to NO Rumors!
1) Enjoy your chats with your faux friends. LOL LOL
2) Try this web site: getalife.com LOL
"NO" Rumors (LOL)- Hey Faux, ya gotta admit, that's pretty clever...
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