1) Firstly we want to congratulate FAUXRUMORS for getting yet another trade rumor dead on. Coming off getting the Stuart deal a week in advance today we had the Coyotes trading forward Nagy to the Stars. As many of you might recall FAUXRUMORS discussed this deal way back during the All Star break, a full 3 weeks ago!! Great job guys!
2) ANTZNARCHING along with ourselves will be conducting a new poll shortly with a list of folks we feel are the biggest underachievers/over rated players in league history. Feel free and e-mail/post your thoughts on who you believe should be in this poll.
As always keep it here for the latest!
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
1) We're sorry that we didn't update that rumor recently. We have to admit that since the break we hadn't heard an update on it
2) We were originally told that the deal was NOT imminent so we shouldn't be surprised that it took this long to get done.
3) We called our source and were told that Mr. Barnett is NOT done yet
You really should stop making up stuff and LYING TO BOTH of your readers!
Here are the FACTS:
1. The post in question once again has a Blogger Post ID # that falls in sequence AFTER the posts you made in February. This ID# is coded in by blogger and cannot be changed. This shows the post in question was not made in January but instead was made during February. It is possible (as you have demonstrated repeatedly) to change the visible date of a post, but NOT the ID#.
2. The post in question holds the same time stamp (10:39 AM) as the post that was made before it. Once again it is impossible to login to the same blogger userid more than once at a time. This can easily be verified simply reading the post in the blogger hack forums. Users in there that have been using Blogger for MUCH longer than the 6 months that Faux has verify there is no way to use simultaneous logins. THerefore there is no way to have 2 posts show identical time unless you manipulated the time as you can do with ANY post!
3. Interesting how the only post you have made between January 15th and today that don't have comments is that one. It now has 2 comments that I made today date stamping them to verify that no comments could be claimed to have been inserted prior to this.
Between Jan. 15 and Today you have 34 posts on your blog. All of them contain comments except the January post in question. Interesting how this post with such detail about a supposed rumor would contain NO comments.
The same comment issue cropped up with the other 2 posts you made up after the fact. They had no comments in them either until I posted the fact that it was posted AFTER the date you show on it.
Bottom line is that once again you LIE to both of your readers.
And yes I know you will once again use the usual 'FAUX commentors' that you have created to try to discredit my claims...but they are all 100% verifiable. The post ID# can't be changed, falls in sequence after most of your February Posts, the post in dual logins, and the lack of comments.
Just in case you are wondering...I took the time to record 100% of the rumors from you site (excluding the three you inserted after the fact) from December 1 to today. I have screen shots of the posts to verify and will post them on my blog if the need arises in the future.
The JIG is up! And you are once again BUSTED!
1) Yadda, yadda, Yadda..... A lot of meaningless blather. However thanks for the enormous chuckle!! LOL
Hard to have much to say when you are BUSTED and the evidence is overwhelming...
Your silence speak VOLUMES about your deception and lies on here.
1) Not silence, just muffled laughter at the inanity that your posts.
2) The e-mails are piling up from regular and new folks wanting to know why this "Nutz person" keeps making such a fool of himself?
3) Of course we cannot answer for you. We are more concerned with new information/posts to come and not so much with irritants/jealous reactors like yourself
Amazing how you get 'hundreds of emails' from a blog that gets less than hundreds of hits in a day!?
The only time this site seems to get any traffic is when people come to see what LIES I have uncovered!
Kind of like the rubberneckers driving by car accidents to gawk!
Once again you fail to have any explanation regarding the posts in question...
1. How does the Blogger Post ID# come after most of your February posts if it was created in January?
2. How do you have 2 posts with the exact same date and time when it is impossible to type and enter them that fast and Blogger does not allow simultaneous logins.
3. How is it that all your posts have numerous comments, but the posts I raise question about have none (other than the ones I add as time markers?)?
No answers because you have no answers to your lies!
Vive Hockeynutz!! Faux, give it up dude, you're not fooling anyone....
1) Thanks Blaine, or should we say 'Nutz' Another blogger with no profile. What a surprise.
2) Again you're obsessed with numbers of hits. We believe we've had 1000 hits in the past 24 hours alone. Not that this matters one iota to us.
3) As for the e-mails we can't answer them all, but at least their not from made up fictitious friends(Blaine) LOL
Lemme just clarify Faux - I can assure you that I am not Hockeynutz. As a matter of fact hockeynutz and I have had a few tilts on Eklunds site where I go by the handle 'chompsey'. Or do you find it suprising that you have more than 2 people who read your blog?
1) No, "Blaine" just find it suspicious that: a) 'you' show up only when he does
b) Up till now, respond only to the same posts he did/does
c) have no profile
2) One of those alone wouldn't be suspicious. Taken together is pretty clear who you are. We have no doubt you and Nutz have had discussions. We'd not be surprised he's had shouting matches with himself. LOL
Blaine here faux. I have created my 'chompsey' account if that makes you feel better. Nutz obviously stung you good, you seem a little paranoid.
1) Chompsey, Blaine, Nutz. All the same person. Come up with a profile that existed PRIOR to this past fall and I'll believe ya. LOL
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