1) Was going over old posts when we came across the silly Messier Leadership award posting/commentary. Made us think; Who won it in December? Went to the NHL.com site, and Googled the leadership award, but in the few minutes of attempting couldn't find reference to a second honoree who received the 'prestigious' award.
2) For those who may have forgotten or never heard, The NHL Leadership Award was started oddly in November with Mark Messier giving the award, and supposedly having significant input into who would win.
3) We were told that there would be a monthly honor and an end of the year award as well. Brendan Shanahan won in November. Which led us to ask: Who won in December? If any of you out there know, please let us in on this apparent secret.
Thanks in advance!
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
I didn't get anything off interpoll about this boss!
Maybe the award was discontinued because there was no Ranger deserving for the month of December... The whole idea of it was ludicrous anyway, as is the idea of Gary BUTTman being the commish... Oh well, such is life in the "New" NHL...
1) We're uncertain if the award was 'discontinued', or simply there was one but no one noticed (Maybe it was on a Versus clown broadcast?)
2) Or perhaps the sponsor of the award, COLD-fX , embarrassingly realized what kind of character Mr. Messier really possess?
3) Either way, if anyone out there knows what happened, we'd be greatful, thanks!
Scotty Neidermayer won for december..
1) Thanks Joe!! Scotty definitely deserves the recognition as he's having another Norris caliber year.
2) Did you know he won before we posed the question?
nope..had to google it, i hadn't heard anything about it.
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