Wednesday, January 10, 2007

McGuire Denied

1) Be sure to check out our take on The Baseball Hall of Fame's passing over Mark McGuire.:


Unknown said...

He belongs in the Hall of Fame.

Anyone who says he doesn't is way too self important. What you think you know and what you know can be and often are two different things.

He belongs in.

Joseph said...

why does he belong in aside from his inflated homeroom numbers?? mcguire added nothing else....he couldn't play defence, his career batting average was abysmal. if you are going to add mcguire, you have to add cansenco, or hell dave kingman for that matter....bonds i believe deserves to go into the hall, even if he cheated, because bonds was a complete baseball player, maybe the most complete ball player of all time, juice or no juice...mcguire was just a juiced up masher, and they are a dime a dozen.

Joseph said...

whoops edit homerun, for homeroom..god 3 and a half hours sleep, and weeks late on a current assignment, has my freudian slipping.

faux rumors said...

1) Bonds may well have made the HOF without cheating, BUT so would have Pete Rose!
2) We feel what he has done over the past 6-7 years has tarnished not only himself, but the game itself. For that reason alone he deserves to be over looked!