1) After the recent firing of Blues coach Mike Kitchen, and coming into the 1/3 pole of the NHL season, we can see a few teams that seem to be under performing or could benefit from new leadership from behind the bench.
2) One that comes to mind first are the Pittsburgh Penguins. Night in and night out their play a totally undisciplined game. Their team defense is so amazingly poor. This despite having some very talented players. We believe a tougher, more disciplined oriented coach would do this team wonders. They are playing better this season, but we feel with a better coach they could/should be significantly better!
3) Speaking of Mike Kitchen, he got a raw deal in St Louis. Anyone think they'd be any better? Certainly not. They assemble a bunch of old guys who's best days are 10 years ago. Have defense and goaltending that are really AHL quality, then they lose a bunch of games. HMMM, what a surprise! Shame on new club President John Davidson for this move now. The reincarnation of Toe Blake wouldn't make this team any better!
4) Phoenix. No, we don't believe they are a playoff team, but its time for The Great One to face facts; He's NOT a good coach. He may have helped assemble the Canada gold medal team from 2002, (But with all that available talent we could have done that too!) but other than that we fail to see where he has shown any proclivity at management of a hockey team? Time to step aside Wayne and allow a real coach/to take the reigns.
5) Calgary- Time for Sutter to suck it up and proclaim that the Larry Playfair experiment is a failure. This team would be in a huge hole if not for the consistently stellar goaltending of Miikka Kiprusoff. They can NOT score, period. Luckily they are in arguably the weakest division in the NHL, else their woes would be even more pronounced. We would also give Mr. Sutter some blame as he assembled this group, but the coach has to take the majority of the blame here.
6) Ottawa- Yes, Bryan Murray has always had success where ever he has gone BUT he has NEVER WON ANYTHING! We believe that its time for Muckler to see that Murray is not the answer to the Senators problems. They lost a lot of talent to free agency, but still possess a formidable roster that is significantly underachieving. People close to the club tell FAUXRUMORS that he has lost the team in many ways. The vets are tuning him out, and the younger guys simply don't respect his subtle and not so subtle abrasive style. Its still early enough to change things for this team, only 2 points out of the playoffs, but on paper they are at least as good if not better as Montreal who they trail by 6 points. We also believe Muckler deserves blame for signing Gerber to be their #1 goalie, but overall this team has been a disappointment from the tender on out! A change would definitely help
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
Why do the same guys keep getting rehired? Geez, if I see Mike Keenan, or another Murray brother hired again, it'll be too soon!
I agree with Pittsburgh and Ottawa, but think that Playfair is doing as well as he could with what he has in Calgary.
As for Wayne, he may be not the greatest coach, but his team is just plain bad
Ottawa should have canned Muckler and Murray a month and a half a go..Gretz should have quit by now for sure, and Therrien is one of the worst coaches ever, problem is the Pens are floating around .500 and I can't see them taking out their coach if they are still in the playoff hunt. Calgary are going to be just fine..Playfair vs. Sutter, 6 of one half a dozen of the other...if Calgary makes changes it will be a full scale regime change, and that won't happen unless the Flames miss the playoffs.
1) Glad to see we're not the only folks who believe Therrien is awful. Any of us could stand behind the Pens bench with a silly suit and be around .500 with that talent.
2) Murray is on borrowed time. Wayne doesn't like to admit when he's wrong, so we believe he will stay put at least through this season.
3) As for Calgary, they continue to falter we wouldn't be surprised to see Sutter pull a Sinden and return to the bench
I don't get to see too many eastern games, but the few i have, the Senators look really good some nights and terrible the next. hat has to be the coaches fault. Right?
Hey Faux, ANTZ is the one who put the idea in your heads regarding Bryan Murray... I will take credit for the swimming or sinking of this rumor - thank you very much... LOL
Hard to figure how Playfair has done a bad job...yes they had a slow start but here are the facts NOW:
1) They are 6-3-1 in last 10.
2) They are 10-4-1 in last 15.
3) They are currently on a 9 game home winning streak.
3) They are tied for 16th in League Scoring with an average of 2.82 Goals per game...this is UP from last season's 2.52. This in a year when scoring is generally DOWN across the league from last year.
4) Calgary is 5 points out of second place in the CONFERENCE (with 2 games at hand).
5) 3 teams from the NW Division are in playoff positions (as many as the Pacific, and more than the Central.
6) The weakest Division is clearly the Central with St. Louis, Chicago and Columbus
7) Despite their slow start they have a .574 winning percentage...and are on pace for a 96 point season.
8) Calgary is on pace to allow fewer Goals Against then last year (2.35 per game last year, currently 2.26 per game this year).
Yes there always could be more scoring...and yes their away record could be better (needs to be)...but Playfair's job is hardly in jeopardy.
As for riding the tales of Kipper...get over it...what NHL team enjoys success without Allstar Goaltending...look at the Goaltending Stat Leaders...they all come from teams at or near the top of the standings...
Am I a Flames fan...sure...but all it takes is a little research to see the folly in your post!
Wow, I am speechless...
You know some people can actual carry on a conversation, discussion and debate without stringing along a ton of obscenities and disgusting namecalling...
A new all time low...
What a joke!
Can't wait to see the Faux explanation for this...I am sure it is somehow my doing...my fault...
1) What obscenities/name calling? We see there is an entry erased by the author, but as all bloggers know, if we erased an entry it would have said " This post has been removed by the blog administrator".
2) As it says: "This post has been removed by the author", it wasn't removed by us.
3) We can care less if someone writes a 4 letter word if that's how they want to project themselves here. Other than spam, all else is fine.
4) As we have been saying, you ca use an alias/fictitious name, but IP addresses don't lie, you do!
1) Yes Antz some of the subject matter for today's post on coaches was derived from our conference call conversation earlier in the week
2) Murray's name did come up. A it turned out neither of us liked him as a coach or on a personal basis for that matter
3) If memory serves, you also agreed with us that Therrian was clueless and needed to be replaced for the good of the Pens
4) We look forward to a new entry from Antz on the FAUXRUMORS blog sometime soon!
Love the denial...
The comment was posted by 'fauxrumors'....the profile that loaded was YOURS...yes people can create fictitious users (you know this very well I am sure)...BUT you can't create an exact duplicate user! So explain how the user 'fauxrumors' with your profile posted a comment telling me to do disgusting things with Gary Bettman and Eklund??
I will post a screenshot on my InsiderBuster blog later to show the PROOF!
I think your track record of lying is pretty evident...Russian Translator to speak with a Mobster that is FLUENT in english, changing the post date of a post so it looks like you 'called' Hitchcock to Jackets...should I go on?
Screenshots are now available at my
'InsiderBuster' Blog.
In case my previous post is delete...
to see it click on my name on this comment...it will load my profile..click on the blog "InsiderBuster"
Well since you deleted my post with the blog address in it...I can tell you have seen it...
1) Wow, it appears that Mr. Nutz has finally become unhinged!
Writing: ..."telling me to do disgusting things with Gary Bettman and Eklund??"....
2) What an imagination. Sounds like you need some psychiatric care/evaluation my friend
3) Feel free and continue the sillyness, but remember No spam.
Faux...the screenshots do not lie!
Proof is there!
1) Apologies to those who actually came here to discuss hockey.
2) Occasionally folks with a deadly combination of having a little too much time on their hands and a bipolar disorder can disrupt the normal flow of a blog. Again apologies.
Your silence and avoidence is telling! The readers can make up their own mind!
I am sure your own 'FAUX' made readers will back you...if you know what i mean!
I assume all those deleted entries were from that wacko who unfortunatly lives just south from me! I'm armed, but am still gonna make sure the doors are locked. Nuts like him are dangerous to themselves and others.
You were probably kidding about the bipolar comment, but from reading this guys posts recenty, you may be dead on!
Police Squad....The screenshots of comments full of obscenities and degrading comments towards myself are posted on my InsiderBuster...it certainly doesn't seem to be me that has a bipolar problem.
Well. Those are definitly obsenities young man. Your mommy should wash your mouth out with a gallon soap for that!
Sir, its blatently obvious even without the knowlege that faux has of your ip address, that you wrote all that yourself.
I truly feel sorry for you son. Your pent up anger came through loud and clear in those notes. You need to talk with someone before that inner rage is taken out on someone. I have unfortunatly seen it all too many times in my years on the job
Well...Police Squad...I would like someone to explain how I could post comments with fauxrumors name on it?
Yes I know you can create fake ID's but they typically need to be a slight variation of the original...ie. Fuxrumors (classic by the way).
Anyhow...Faux wins...I don't need to take that kind of comment and will depart this blog.
I have posted a parting letter on my InsiderBuster Blog and will continue to post regularly to my fast growing blog HockeyNutz.
Faux can say what he wants...his record of lies is clear...and I will post my top 10 Faux LIes over the next couple days on my InsiderBuster blog.
It was fun...but disgusting comments towards me are just more than I care to take...
I won't be posting comments here anymore and encourage others to follow suit.
How long until you get the obscenity laced comments directed towards you if you disagree with him?
Thanks for the fun!
Son, I mean it when I say you need to talk to someone. Your pent up rage toward a faceless innocuous blog site is frightening.
You need to find another outlet for your anger. Have you considered going to a trade school? From seeing how fast your hits counter has been registering lately you must have fast agile fingers
1) Good riddance to bad trash!. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
2) Is this the last we'll hear from that nut? Probably not, but we can all hope! Frank hit the nail on the head with his analysis of this guy.
No problem there faux. Just doin my job. In some ways its a shame. The kid does have some serious emotional issues for sure, but when he stuck to hockey some of his comments and observations were good. Oh well.
Hip hip horay. thank god that loser is gonna not come back anymore. he musta sent me a bunch of desperate e-mails. on here he made like he was mad at me for something but in those notes he wanted to see if i was single? i am still laughing!
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