1) Our loyal readers will all recognize the name of the blog alluded to above. He, the petulant and frequent contributor/responder has been caught in a lie
2) For the past couple of months he has accused this site of creating fictional bloggers who would respond to our blog. Ofcourse this is nonsense. However, we have learned over the years that folks will often accuse others of things that they themselves do regularly. This is a case in point of this very thing.
3) When FAUXRUMORS made a point that we do NOT accept anonymous bloggers, his site received far fewer responses. Then recently we're told (we don't frequent the site ourselves) the number of responders increased again. Usually with folks with no blogging experience. Then a reader alerted us this morning that in response to his latest posting(some inane report on penalties) the first responder was Hockeynutz himself!! Self congratulating his own post!! Apparently he forgot to 'change his name'. LOL LOL
4) We find this whole episode quite amusing. We're sure he will either erase his mistake, try to say it wasn't him(easily checked), or some other excuse. He should be red faced when he realizes his error! This should once and for all put to bed that He IS the fraud here. Liars are usually caught eventually. His time has come! LOL
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
I for one am not suprised. He always had a tone that was suspicious. Hopefully it will mean there is less of him here, but your post will probably do the opposite. More of the silly fighting. UGGGG!!!
1) We are DEFINITELY NOT surprised either Stacey! We're more surprised it took this long for the fraud, that was apparent to most even before this, to become well known to all.
2) We're hoping it doesn't prompt him to unleash a barrage of silly responses from him and his other blogger names, but as long as he doesn't Spam us, he is free to do what he wants
3) Just do what most of our other readers tell us they do when they come across one of his posts, skip over it, and treat it like the drivel it is.
P.S. You single? ; )
Pretty slick there Faux!
I am not too worried...my loyal readers (and I have many) know the kind of crap you pull. Creating yet another blogger ID and calling it HockeyNutz was pretty creative! I am pretty sure I wouldn't create a comment telling myself to get a life!
Jealousy is a vicious thing...you should try getting over the fact that you have NOTHING but LIES!
And your feeble attack is LAUGHABLE! You know I know how you managed to 'create' those rumors that magically came true! And the information I will reveal will lose the tiny handful of readers you do have!
You may brag all you want about you HUGE readership...but the proof is in the pudding...and the pudding is that in the past 5 days you have had a total of 485 page views in the past 5 days! I'll round up and say that makes 100 per day...that includes your own views and my views. Your counter also adds 1 everytime a person reloads or reads a different post on your blog, and adds one when they comment...meaning if a person reads an entry and comments your counter counts 2!
I received more than 500 view on my Crosby story alone! (Yes it does help my blog was mentioned in a couple of popular hockey forums!)
But I will explain more in my blog later!
Nice try though! Keep on 'CREATING' those rumors...it is great amusement!
1) Evidently the nutz response to being caught was to erase his original 'response' as well as our anonymous tipster, along with our own response on his site.
2) Feeble would be, well too feeble a word to describe how pathetic that dying web site has become.
3) BTW, the excuse was an 'imposter'. LOL That must be why the original response had to be erased. It clearly showed it was NOT an imposter, but hockeynutz himself, as by clicking on the commenter's name took you directly to his blog profile. Impossible for an imposter to do. Nice try.
Now the rest of the blogosphere knows as well.
A. Well, at least we have all that settled - yeah right!!!
B. The two of you get a lot of hits, due in part, to this silly feud that just continues to grow in intensity. The viewers actually seem to care about this game of one up-manship. The truth is, it is rather amusing.
C. Fight and throw barbs all you want at each other. Just keep the rumors coming, faux OR real.
D. Hey PINKO, what is your take on this battle?
E. Isn't Chin Ho going to weigh in also? LOL - too friggin' funny!
WHat a JOKE!
I don't care what all 3 of your readers believe or don't believe...the profile that linked to that FAUX HockeyNutz ID was a copy of my Profile...NOT the original...easily verified by the case of the typing!
BTW FUXSTER...we are all still waiting for you to explain how all your regular posters (Pinko excluded) ended up creating their blogs in November, copying their one and only post from another website! Seems quite the coincidence that ALL of they users posting to your blog (Pinko Excluded) created their blogs in the same manner...one would think that at least one of them would create original content!
i am getting tired of the whole thing...when they stick to the hockey both faux and nutz are great. but this whole cloak and dagger,fake posters yada, yada, bullshit is stupid, and i fear is a play for hits...which in my opinion doesn't really matter, unless of course the blogs are commercial ventures...nutz is the ying to faux's yang.
Present time...and it isn't even Christmas time yet...
I reveal on my InsiderBuster blog exactly how Faux was able to 'call' things so far in advance...
All that I write in that post can be verified by simply looking at the source code for the BLOG. Simple!
Faux will delete this if I put a link to the blog (he might delete it anyways)...
So to get there...
Click on my name in this comment, then click on the link to InsiderBuster blog on the right.
Happy Reading!
The jig is up Faux! and I am not talking about Giguere! (though from your fasination with Weekes and Jeter's sexuality you might enjoy it if he was!)
Pinko...I don't need this crap to get hits...my hockey chatter does that for me.
That is why I moved my 'Insider Buster' stuff away from HockeyNutz Blog.
Proof is in the pudding and as you have pointed out to me...HockeyNutz blog is getting some good air time in a couple of very busy hockey forums!
REAL LEGITIMATE CONTENT is the key to readers...not FAUX CRAP!
1) Creating a new ID could easily be discerned from a forgery. The number of 'profile views' can NOT be manipulated. Believe we checked and doubled checked before we wrote our article exposing Nutz for the fraud he is
2) No, Pinko this is definitely NOT about 'hits'. We never allude to that, though strangely Nutz frequently does, One can viably see the number of folks who come to our site, yet we still see no counter on his.
3) We wrote that article ONLY because he was a frequent negative commentator. As such, we wanted our loyal readers(we actually have many, and it shows) to see that he is a fraud. We actually thank Nutz for making it so easy. LOL
Post script: 1) By exposing his fraud we eliminate any credibility of his fabricated stories about us.
2) Fool us once, shame on me. Fool us twice shame on you!
Yea I can see how that works...
You make up commentors, you make up stories and get caught doing both...and I am the one without credibility?
Why don't I use a counter? Because they are useless...I demonstrated that when I reloaded your site 40 times to become the 10,000 visitor.
Go to the website FREESTATS and see what it gives you...
1. Tracks UNIQUE users to your site
2. Shows IP addresses of the people visiting.
3. Shows entry and exit pages
4. Shows exactly where (ie. what stories) the users visit.
Much more informative then your counter.
What do you want your counter to say today?
Nice detective work faux! I agree. I have found through the years once you find someone lying like this once that it shoots to hell a person's credibility in most other areas.
1. 10 of your Commentors all created their Logins in NOVEMBER, all 10 had 1 blog entry, all 10 copied their entries either from Wikipedia or from another site without authorization (I can forward you the emails). SAME MO...SAME CREATOR!
2. Your November 6th post declaring Hitchcock to Columbus was published AFTER all your posts up to November 20th...using bloggers publish numbers in the page source code.
It is pretty clear who the fraud is!
The evidence is pretty damning!
And all you have for rebuttal is the FAKE comment you created?
The history is there already...check out the comment YOU CREATED under the ID hockeynutz! Check it out in the post titled "Somethings gotta give" on November 6th...interestingly the same day you posted your FAUX Hitchcock laugher! Click on that username and see the profile that comes up!
Yea...u did it once...I am sure you would never have done it twice!
(PS....I have a screen shot of both the comment and the profile so delete away and say it never existed if you wish).
As for the profile views...you can fake that...just reload it over and over...
You see...what I say about your site can be verified...anyone can load the page source and read the numbers for themselves...anyone can load the profiles and read them and search the text themselves...the proof is there!
The precedence of you creating 'hockeynutz' commentors is there too!
Hey there sonny. I'm one of those who supposedly was created in November. Not all of us have been using computers for years like you. Some of us are relatively new to this.
I looked up some of your allegations and have found them as fallacious as the rest of your blog.
I also saw the original entry you made yesterday before you hastily removed it. You ARE a fraud my friend. Screaming about someone else will not hide this fact
1) Thanks Frank. We knew that most if not al our loyal readers would understand what this was all about.
2) You are only one of many who have sent in e-mail. Some we fear were a bit scared to write publicly for fear that they would be labeled/intimidated by the Nut.
I truthfully could care less about all this. I have written before how silly it seems to be fighting over this.
I, like the Police squad guy do take issue with this guy who says that anyone who started their blog within the last month don't count.
Hey their man, we DO COUNT!
So glad NORDBERG'S sham of a television show was cancelled. And Frank, please send my regards to Professor Meinheim. Ask him about Whistler's mother - he always seems to enjoy that topic.
I'll bet ya a wad of wampum that he's just another pale face who speaks with forked tongue.
But, let smoke peace pipe and end this. have been reading this too many moons now
Typical Faux...
No response of defense to the allegations...and tries to defend himself by falsely attacking me! Then all of a sudden the famous Faux Backers show up after a couple week hiatus to show their support!
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