1) We found the Eklund admission, which really was more of a weak explanation, that he was correct about 5% of the time, very amusing.
2) It appears that the paying customers are getting restless over at 'HockeyBuzz', and they are letting the rumor-whore know it! These are his own words: "most of what I write will NEVER happen....Based on what I have learned, only 5%." http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=3557
3) OK, so if he admits to being WRONG 95% of the time, one can only guess that his track record is even worse than that! We have read in some articles that have discussed Eklund that his actual accuracy is less than 1%!! As we mentioned early on with our blog, we could have our dog randomly crap on a list of NHL players and be as acurate!
4) Whats worse for those poor schlubs who regularly read his tripe, is they are Paying for it!! LOL LOL Hey great for Eklund that he can make money by fooling the masses, but we at FAUXRUMORS we continue to monitor his track record, and will be happy to compare our accuracy rate with that of rumor-whores like Eklund!
As always this is a free site, and will stay that way!
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
why would anyone pay to read that stuff? i can make up better rumors. maybe i should try and maybe peoole will pay me too
FAUX for President! Viva La FAUX!
Thanks 'Islanders', but we wouldn't want the pay cut!! LOL
How much does he charge? i got to read it for free today. what do the people who pay get that i didn't?
1) Hey thanks for the question Chevy. The answer is that anyone can read the blog(thats how we got it), in order to respond to his idiocy you have to be a paying customer
2) We also believe that one receives updates before they are posted on the open forum
3) Perhaps our 'friend' Hockeynutz, who appears to be one of those paying customers, can elucidate us on what he gets for his money
well, while i enjoy all rumour sites, i know i post on his msg board, i signed up as a member, but not a paying member and also get emails from his website.
i think to pay you just get to talk to him directly in the chat rooms and you get better prizes in the hockey pool..
i don't see really why you guys bash each other soo much. makes all of the sites look childish
Hey how do i post there without paying that guy money?
Thanks : )
1) Hey Robin relax. The childish comment was quite unwarrented in our opinion.
2) The reason we chide Eklund is his pompous style, and for having the balls to charge for the same nonsense that free sites give
3) Additionally, as we plan to expose in our 'Outing Eklund' piece, there is something underhanded to his site. Stay tuned!
You just knew I had to weigh in o this!
1. Even at 5%...Ek is about 500% higher average success than your site. As I have repeatedly demontstrated on my blog (IMHockeynutz.blogspot.com) with links you are either wrong about rumors you post or the information you post is in mainstream media days before it hits your blog.
2. I am not an Ek fan! I don't pay but do post in his forum from time to time.
3. Where is your 'Outting of Ek' that you have been promising for over 2 months?
4. At least Ek has some value to his site besides false rumors or rumors reported from week old newspapers. He has many bloggers who give insight from around the league.
5. YOUR record speaks for itself...as I have said on my blog I cannot find a single rumor that you gave out that either panned out or wasn't already written about on mainstream media sites (ie. city newspapers, SI.com)
6. I am still waiting for you to clarify details about your interview with the Russian Mob boss about Malkin...still haven't explained why you needed a Russian translator to talk to a Russian Mob boss who is known to speak 'fluent english'. (see FBI Profile).
Don't worry...I am not an Ek supporter or fan...in fact I have been working on his rumors for some time now...he is a tougher nut to crack because of his E rating system and the fact he claims he just spreads what he hears or claims to hear....anyhoo...my analysis of Ek will be posted on my blog soon!
To habs1993: a response already posted to ya on the HockeyMecca thread
1) We see Mr. Nutz is embarrassed to admit he's a current paying customer of Eklund.
2) We can understand why you'd endorse/support him. Would make you appear even sillier than you look already to pay someone for being wrong almost all the time. We also don't recall you listing his incorrect rumors on your site.
His site is lame anyway faux!
1) Oh and by the way. For a site(ours) that is supposedly never correct in predicting NHL rumors, no one (and you know who you are) LOL mentioned how we were FIRST in predicting:
a) Staal would stay in Pittsburgh
b) Campbell would NOT take the Flyer job
Here's the link: http://fauxrumors.blogspot.com/2006/10/calgary-thoughts.html#links
FAUX...GOT BEAT by Globe and Mail, Sportsnet.ca and even HOCKEYBUZZ.com on your report of Staal staying!
LINKS PROVIDED AS USUAL at IMHockeyNutz.blogspot.com
I will post later about how you missed on Campbell as well...later!
And due to the demand I will post a summary of all your 'insider rumors' and which I busted as false or after being found in mainstream media BEFORE you posted them (It is all of them by the way).
And as for you believing I pay for Ek's site...I don't and challenge you to back up your statement with proof...I know you can't because I don't pay for Ek's site...never have and never will...and even if I did...I make more than enough money to support whatever ridiculous habits I want! How I choose to spend or not spend my money is my biz...
1) We read those and many other articles that you alluded to. Some articles stated he was MAYBE staying, some said MAYBE going back to junior. None were, as you wrote "definitive".
2) We were! We will be interested to see the link to where you refute the Campbell story.
Nice try once again!
HOCKEY BUZZ WRITES at 2:14 EST on October 30th (6hours and 20 minutes BEFORE your JOKE of a page the following:
"Now it is official! Staal to stay...Though it has not been officially announced, it is all but a done deal. More on this tomorrow morning...."
Sounds pretty definite to me!
Also the Globe and Mail story makes it pretty clear that Staal was staying. It says "The Penguins weighed all these pros and cons and ultimately determined the rewards offset the risks."
Again pretty clear that the decision was to keep Staal.
You want to mince words...ok...your quote..."We are told pretty confidently that the pens will announce later today that they have decided to retain Staal instead of sending him down" doesn't say it is definite...just you are confident about it...and considering your track record prior to now...yea speaks enough for itself.
As for the sportsnet link I provided...yes it is speculative in nature...it does say "Younger Staal expected to stay" and it was posted 3 days prior to you!
It seems pretty clear cut to me! Faux = FAKE!
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