No word yet, but rumors are a flying that among the presumed dead passengers on the ill fated Russian airliner that went down over the Ukraine today were members of the Malkin extended family.
Sources tell FAUXRUMORS that it is possible that one of Malkin's uncles was on a business trip to Kiev and it wouldn't be unusual for 'accidents' of this kind to be caused by malfunctioning equiptment.
Those kind of accidents can be arranged by greasing the palms of the ground crews who are rarely background checked.
Stay tuned here for the latest as it becomes available
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16 years ago
My sources tell me that its not unlikely they wil find evidence of sabatage. When called all they said to FAUXRUMORS was: Идите трахают себя.
YEAH, i didn't want to offer the direct translation for folks, but basiclly they weren't all too happy with our prying into the Malkin affair.
These folks prefer to stay in the shadows.
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