New hockey blogger Michael Hunt, known as The Elephant Man on his blog, was found dead this morning in his parent's basement. Local authorities state the case is still under investigation, but sources tell FAUXRUMORS that it may have been a HOMO-cide.
Apparently Hunt was involved with another unstable gay man, who has been known to be violent, especially when confronted with made up stories, as was the norm on Elephant man's new hockey blog.
We're told that his gay lover exploded when the rumored trades/free agent signing of Bonk, Dumont , Tanabbe, Antropov, Leetch, etc never came to fruition despite repeated online rantings of Hunt's blog known as Elephant man.
No funeral services are scheduled as the Elephant man had no other friends and his parents are more relieved than despondent that their 40 year old son is finally out of the house, even if it had to take his murder to achieve that goal.
We’ve moved!
16 years ago
As the Elephant Man used to say: "Inside Sources".
Sadly we won't see that inane phrase uttered anymore by him. : (
The source confirms what another blogger asked me earlier; The last straw was infact the non trade of Komasarek to the Isles.
Apparently, if that deal had been consumated Elephant man would probably still be alive and he and his gay lover would still be together.
tel est la vie/tel est la guerre
No worrys about being blocked on his blog as I'm sure its not going to be updated anytime soon. ; )
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